Headway's range of award-winning booklets cover many of the symptoms and practical issues associated with a brain injury. You can buy printed copies below. Brain injury survivors and their carers can get free copies from the Headway helpline.
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Showing 17 of 17 items in Publications
Caring for someone with a brain injury
£3.50Practical suggestions to help you to cope with the early stages, manage the long-term challenges and find the support you need.
Claiming compensation after brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been written for anyone who has a brain injury and who may wish to make a claim for compensation.
Coping with communication problems after brain injury
£3.50This booklet describes the many forms of speech, language and communication problems caused by brain injury.
Driving after brain injury
£3.50This booklet is for people with a brain injury who require further information about driving.
Hospital treatment and early recovery after brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been written for those the relatives and friends of those who have sustained a brain injury and are receiving treatment in hospital.
Managing anger after brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been written for people who have had a brain injury and are now having trouble managing their anger. It is also written for their families and carers.
Managing fatigue after brain injury
£3.50The booklet aims to help brain injury survivors, their families and friends to understand fatigue and how it affects them.
Memory problems after brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been written primarily for the families and carers of people who have memory problems following a brain injury.
Mental capacity: supporting decision making after brain injury
£3.50This booklet is for anyone concerned about another person's capacity to make decisions. It explains the principles of the Mental Capacity Act, which can help you to assess the person's decision-making ability.
Mild head injury and concussion
£3.50This booklet is written for anyone who has had a mild head injury. It gives you information about your brain and tells you some of the things that may happen as a result of your injury.
Parenting after brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been designed to help those parents who have had a brain injury understand how their injury has affected them in their role as a parent.
Psychological effects of brain injury
£3.50Find out about the psychological effects of brain injury, from subtle and temporary lapses in ability and behaviour, to a profound and permanent reduction in basic skills and loss of control of emotion and behaviour.
Rehabilitation after brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been written as a guide to brain injury rehabilitation, its settings, aims and the professionals involved. It is intended primarily for the families and carers of brain injury survivors.
Relationships after brain injury
£3.50This booklet offers information on how relationships can be affected after brain injury, the impact this can have, and what can be done to help relationships that are strained.
Supporting children when a parent has had a brain injury
£3.50This booklet has been written primarily for the families and carers of a child whose parent has had a brain injury.
The definitive guide in the aftermath of brain injury
£45.00Includes one copy of each Headway publication. Ideal for use as a comprehensive guide to the effects of brain injury.
The effects of brain injury and how to help
£3.50This booklet covers some of the main difficulties that arise after brain injury, together with some suggestions as to how to deal with them.